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Tours, Talks & Workshops

David & Emma are very keen to share their knowledge and offer the following events and workshops.

Take a tour of Allwoods nursery
School groups are welcome to visit Allwoods
Tour of the Nursery
Contact us to book a day
If you would like to have a behind the scenes tour of our working nursery then this tour is for you.  We start the tour with a welcome introduction of who's who and the history of the firm before proceeding into the nursery, where you will be shown some of the stock plants and propagation areas alongside the mail order side of the business.  We round up the tour with complimentary refreshments and a goody bag.
Not all areas of the tour are wheelchair accessible and those with walking difficulties. Only available on prior booking.  Minimum tour group of 15 people, costs from £5 per person.
Book a talk to your Gardening Club/Society
Contact us to arrange a date
Struggling to get a speaker to talk to your gardening club or society?  Then why not book David & Emma, Our talks can last as long as you like (though we usually work to 1 hour), and consist of a brief history of the firm, how it has changed and progressed over the years, we then normally do a slide presentation of the various varieties we do - many don't realise the sheer range there are!  Followed by a brief demonstration on propagation, tips and tricks followed by Q&A's at the end.


We supply our own projector but ask that a screen be provided.  We also require 2 or 3 tables to work from as we normally bring a selection of plants to sell.  Our fee varies depending on distance and time of day.  Please note that we do have 2 young children so evening talks can sometimes be more expensive to cover all costs involved.

Gardening Club/Society? Why not visit us

Contact us to arrange a date

Why not bring your gardening club or society to our nursery (see Tour of the Nursery option above).  We have a really rustic feel and have many varieties plant enthusiasts love to buy or admire.

School / Nursery visits

Contact us to book a day

Here on the nursery we have two young children and actively encourage them to enjoy what we do here, from helping with propagating to watering, encouraging children to grow plants is very rewarding and there is nothing they like more than getting their hands a little dirty!


If you have a class or nursery group that would like to visit us we cater for all ages, and adjust our topic depending on the age of the children in the group,  we have a hands on approach to learning as we find this is the best way and it keeps the children interested.


Please note: the children may potentially get their hands dirty from potting compost, though there is toilet & wash facilities on site.  We recommend a group size of 20 or less to give maximum child enjoyment.



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