Hollycroft Fragrance (Pre 1979)
Hollycroft Fragrance has not been seen for many, many years and it was thanks to Mr Tindall from Northumberland who kindly sent us a few cuttings off his plant asking us to identify it, on receiving these we got very excited as we had not seen it available for many years, with his permission he let us root some of the cuttings and we have been able to revive and re-introduce this fantastic garden pink into our range. The scent from this flower is AMAZING!!!
This is a long flowering garden pink and makes a nice bushy plant, flowering height is about 8 to 10" and very heavily clove scented. The flowers are a lovely double pink self with a darker eye and are nice and strong so can be used as a cut flower for a vase.
Full growing instructions included. Supplied as a pot ready jumbo plug plants, grown in peat free compost, see "How your plants arrive" section on our website.
We will resume posting in March, wishing our customers a Happy and Healthy New Year!
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